About Us

At Professional Safari Africa, our goal is to provide you with the ultimate African Safari experience. We go above and beyond to ensure that your journey is exceptional, not only during your holiday but also before and after. With our extensive knowledge of luxury safaris, we are dedicated to creating the perfect vacation for you, whether you choose to explore Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Botswana, Victoria Falls, Namibia, or South Africa.

Embark on an unforgettable adventure as we guide you through the breath-taking landscapes and diverse wildlife of Africa. Our team of experts will meticulously plan every detail of your trip, ensuring that you have a seamless and extraordinary experience from start to finish.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Serengeti, witness the majestic wildebeest migration, or encounter the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Whether you dream of spotting the Big Five or exploring the stunning landscapes of the Okavango Delta, we will tailor your safari to match your preferences and desires.

With our professional guidance, you can rest assured that you will be in safe hands throughout your journey. We work with trusted partners and experienced guides who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and love for Africa with you. Let us take care of all the logistics, from arranging accommodations in luxurious lodges and camps to organizing thrilling game drives and cultural encounters. .

Our Legacy Impact

Our mission goes beyond travel; it’s about making a positive impact. We collaborate with the registered charity Tanzania Dreams Organization channeling a portion of the proceeds from every booked trip to support children in need, ensuring they receive a primary school education. Your journey with us contributes to brighter futures for young minds in Africa.

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Medison Samwel

Co-Founder & CEO

marketing manager

Natalie Pouralikhan



We are Experts:

We are Experts: Over 15 years of experience organizing international tourism in Africa makes us experts in the continent and our proven track-record of positive reviews from clients confirms we deliver on our promises. We are reputable, knowledgeable, and able to make your vacation a lifetime dream by promising you 100% satisfaction.

Eco and community friendly:

We respect to eco-tourism and share a portion of our income for the development of local community and conservation of animal kingdom. We strive to keep nature unharmed for future generations through sustainable tourism and respect all local rules and regulations to protect the land and animals.



Traveling to Africa is the experience of a lifetime. Because the continent is vast and offers so much to choose from with the cultures so different and impressive and all the experiences sought being so unique and enjoyable; it will be our pleasure to custom-make each holiday to insure that your desired experience of Africa has been exceeded.

Our Vision

Supporting both nature and local communities where Professional Safari Africa guests travel.

Our Mission

To provide the best and highly quality services that will always give a lifetime Experience.


Professional Safari Africa is having most highly trained professional, passionate and knowledgeable guides, and naturalists on the continent. They impart an exceptional wealth of knowledge personally researched and experienced, about habitat, ecology, birds, trees, plants, small animals and insects, thus demonstrating how everything in nature is important to survive of African’s wilderness. We are committed to the ongoing up skilling of our Guides, ensuring that they place the highest priority on guest safety, guest enjoyment and conservation, and that they provide our clients with a premium informative, interpretive, safe and memorable wilderness experience. We invite you to come to Africa, experience its magic and be part of its renaissance!!!


Walter Edgar

Reservation Manager


Joshua Filex

Professional Safari Guide


Elibark Michel

Professional Safari Guide


Fatma Hassan


We are partnered with www.safaribookings.com and our presence on this platform is legit.