Boat Safari In Nyerere National Park

Embark on a safari like no other as you cruise down the Rufiji River in Nyerere National Park aboard a motorboat. Witness the guarantee of encountering crocodiles, hippos, and buffaloes against the backdrop of riverine marshes and panoramic plains adorned with golden grass. The symphony of bird songs and playful avian displays further enrich the breathtaking beauty and biodiversity of Tanzania’s largest river.

Choose from full-day, morning, or afternoon safaris to suit your preference. The 10 am morning safari typically follows an early walking tour, the 3 pm afternoon safari promises captivating sunset vistas, and a full-day safari offers an immersive glimpse into the daily routines of the park’s diverse wildlife.

Details of Boat Safari in Nyerere National Park

The picturesque Nyerere National Park is a unique and pristine safari destination. As a part of Selous Game Reserve, it belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Site as the oldest and largest protected nature reserve in Tanzania. It bursts with life, most of all wildlife parks on the entire African continent. Besides an abundance of hippos, buffaloes and crocodiles, you will usually see water-bucks and impala n in the water meadows and elephants and lions drinking water. More than 40 species of birds will entertain you with their acrobatics and song. Although your eyes will be fastened on the river banks, don’t miss the opportunity to spot some of the many fish and crustacean living in the river.