Nungwi Tour

A journey of discovery as you unravel the hidden gems of Nungwi Island, nestled on the captivating North Coast of Zanzibar.

Venture into the heart of Nungwi, renowned as the dhow-building capital of the island, where history and culture weave a rich tapestry. Immerse yourself in the local way of life, exploring the picturesque beach and the vibrant dhow building yard. Witness the daily rhythms of the community and delve into the conservation efforts at the Nungwi Turtle Sanctuary.

Noteworthy Highlights:

  1. Local Livelihoods: Gain insights into the livelihoods of Nungwi’s locals as you traverse the charming town on the North Coast.
  2. Fish Market Exploration: Pass through the bustling fish markets, where freshly caught seafood takes center stage in lively auctions.
  3. Historic Portuguese Ruins: Make a stop at the ruins of an Old Portuguese settlement dating back to 1497, unraveling the historical tales embedded in the ancient structures.
  4. Boat Building Mastery: Visit the boat building yard, a vital facet of the village, where skilled artisans craft traditional dhows, showcasing their expertise in bending wood and constructing these iconic vessels.
  5. Turtle Sanctuary Visit: Explore the Turtle Sanctuary, discovering the nurturing and rehabilitation process for these fascinating creatures before they are released back into the ocean.
  6. Guided Tour of Nungwi Town: Enjoy a guided tour of Nungwi town, strolling down to the beach, and savoring sumptuous meals at local restaurants along the shoreline. Opt for engaging in water activities to enhance your experience.
  7. Mesmerizing Sunsets: Delight in the breathtaking beauty of Nungwi’s sunsets, where the sky transforms into hues of pink and gold as the sun gracefully descends over the Indian Ocean.

This tour promises an engaging experience, blending cultural exploration, historical insights, and the natural beauty of Nungwi’s coastal wonders.