Climbing Kilimanjaro

The highest free-standing dormant volcano in Africa is home to some of the spectacular landscape and diverse landforms. From snow capped mountaintop to grassland plains to rocky hills, Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing has got just so much under its topography belt. It is located right next to some of the top safari parks in Tanzania like Serengeti, Tarangire and Ngorongoro Conservation Area from where the snow capped top is clearly visible and serves as a mountainous backdrop. The Mount Kilimanjaro is considered one of the greatest experiences of African Travel.

But as exciting and rosy it may sound or seems, nevertheless it is a test of one’s endurance. The high altitude along with steep slopes makes it increasingly difficult for even the most experienced trekkers. Even choosing the right Kilimanjaro Route can become a headache if you’re not in right hands, i.e. experienced tour guides and mountaineers.

This is a Mountain Climbing; it is the opportunity to get on the rooftop of Africa, 5895m above sea level. Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa located on the North East of Tanzania, covered by permanent snow. There are several routes to get up to the summit; common routes are MARANGU ROUTE and MACHAME ROUTE.

** The best months for climbing are January, February, March and September as they are the warmest months and almost clear of clouds, though one could easily succeed throughout the year. April and beginning of May could get heavy rain or snow. The temperatures will still be up, but massive clouds will block visibility, on top it might snow and heavy rains occur on the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro.

June to August (though colder), and November/December (could be wetter); through September and October it gets steadily warmer. October is particularly good if you want little or no rain, mild weather and few people on the mountain.

January to March is the warmest months, almost clear of clouds except of occasional brief rain showers, followed by the main rainy season during April & May.

However, we always stress that the main reason to climb Kilimanjaro is to have a safe and enjoyable time. Reaching the summit is a bonus, but should never be seen as the aim of the climb.

Starting from Kenya-Tanzania’s border the Rongai route offers the amazing backdrop of the neighboring Kenya as you ascent, It is



The Umbwe rout is the exact shortest route to the Kilimanjaro summit, its steepness for the first two days makes



Originally the foundation of Lemosho route, simply Lemosho is the improved diversion. Shira route also starts from the Southern-western side



Machame route is the second most popular route on kilimanjaro also nicknamed “whisky” suggesting its interesting hardship, though rocky with



Marangu is nicknamed the “Coca-Cola route” implying it is the easiest route of all routes. Marangu route is equipped with



Lemosho route is indeed the longest route to Kilimanjaro’s Uhuru summit, posing the most scenic environment throughout the ascent, starting



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