Arusha National Park

Situated only 37 km from Arusha, Arusha National park is stated to be the starting point of all the African Safaris. This smaller park covers 137 sq. Km, but immerse as one of the most beautiful park in whole of Tanzania and seems to be the fittest one for a day trip. Some of the distinct features of the park are the Ngurdoto Crater, Momela Lakes, the highland montane forest, and the rugged Mount Meru, where the visitors combine the nature and the adventure on their tours. You can see the grand beauty of the biggest draw card of Tanzania: Mt. Kilimanjaro, towering at 5895 m to the east, from many locations in the park on a clear day.

In most of the national parks generally, the visitors fear to walk out of the vehicle without the permission of the guide. But Arusha has unique attractions where you would have the opportunity to combine game drives and a nature walk in the many places leaving your Safari Vehicles and taking a walk in the fresh air.

As like the other national parks you can find verities of games in this park and some of they include: the Abyssinian black and white colobus monkeys, the Vervet monkeys, the red forest duikers, hippos, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, bushbucks and sometimes the leopard. Hosting to more than 400 numbers of bird species it is a grand choice for the bird lovers. The opportunity of scaling the mount Meru is an enthralling experience here. You would never forget the luxury of the overnight stay in alpine huts on your way up and down.