Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park takes its name from the Ruaha River, which flows along its southeastern border. Ruaha’s unusually high diversity of antelope is a function of its location, which is transitional to the acacia savannah of East Africa and the miombo woodland belt of Southern Africa. Grant’s gazelle and lesser kudu occur here at the very south of their range, alongside the miombo-associated sable and roan antelope, and one of East Africa largest populations of greater kudu, the park emblem, distinguished by the male’s magnificent corkscrew horns.

Named after the Ruaha River, the National Park holds some of the extensive game reserves such as Rungwa and Usangu and other protected areas where game viewing is guaranteed to the visitors. This is not only the largest National Park in Tanzania rather the wildest and the most remote of all. Safaris here are some of the bests that you would find in whole of Tanzania. Mwagusi area in the park is best known for the greatest concentration of lions and one of the biggest draw cards for African tourism. The presence of 500 species of birds makes it a paradise for the bird lovers. At some places of the park the walking safaris are prohibited due to the excessive movement of the elephants. The dry season is obviously the good time to visit the park.