Zanzibar Islands

Set like a jewel in tranquil coral waters, only 20 minutes flight from Dar es Salaam, is one of the world most beautiful islands – Zanzibar Unguja, also known as Zanzibar Island, is the main island in the Tanzanian archipelago of Zanzibar. Stone Town, part of Zanzibar City, is an old trade center, with mosques […]



Mafia Island is the site of Tanzania first Marine Park which was gazetted in 1995. The Park covers the southern half of the island and part of the north-east. It’s fascinating settings that include the mangroves, sea-grass beds, coral reefs, inter-tidal reef flats, lagoons and coastal forest are enough to captivate anyone’s mind and fulfill […]



The most unique factor of this national park is that this is the only Tanzanian wildlife sanctuary that is bordering to the sea. With the coastal hot and humid climate it displays varieties of mixed flora and fauna of both the marine and the mainland. The park hosts around 30 species of larger mammals, numerous […]



Bagamoyo, Tanzania, is a town founded at the end of the 18th century, though it is an extension of a much older (8th century) settlement, Kaole. It was the capital of German East Africa and was one of the most important trading ports along the East African coast. Now, the town has about 30,000 inhabitants […]

Mahale Mountains National Park

Mahale Mountains National Park

Mahale Mountains National Park lies on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Kigoma Region, Tanzania. Best known for its chimpanzee population and one of the other most important characteristic of the park is that this is one of only two protected areas for chimpanzees in the country. Mahale Mountains provide a superb eco-system for the […]

Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe National Park (often, but incorrectly, called “Gombe Stream National Park”), is located in western Kigoma Region, Tanzania, 10 miles (20 km) north of Kigoma, the capital of Kigoma Region. Established in 1968, Gombe is one of the smallest national parks in Tanzania, with only 13.5 square miles (35 km2) of protected land along the […]

Katavi National Park

Katavi National Park

Covering an area of 4471 sq km, Katavi National Park is located about 40km from Mpanda town in southwest Tanzania, to the east of Lake Tanganyika, lying within a truncated arm of the Great Rift Valley that terminates in the shallow expanse of Lake Rukwa. Wildlife features include large animal herds, particularly of Cape Buffaloes, […]

Selous Game Reserve

Selous reserve Tanzania c Kevin Harber

The Selous Game Reserve is one of the largest faunal reserves of the world, located in the south of Tanzania.The reserve covers a total area of 54,600 km2 (21,100 sq mi) and has additional buffer zones.It was named after Englishman Sir fredrick selous , a famous big game hunter and early conservationist, who died at […]

Kitulo National Park

Kitulo National Park

Kitulo National Park is a protected area of montane grassland on the Kitulo Plateau in the southern highlands of Tanzania. The park is at an elevation of 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) between the peaks of the Kipengere and Poroto mountains and covers an area of 412.9 square kilometres (159.4 sq mi),[2] lying in Mbeya Region […]

Udzungwa Mountains National Parks

Udzungwa Mountains National Parks

Udzungwa Mountains National Park is a national park in Tanzania with a size of 1,990 km2 (770 miles2) .The habitats contained within the national park includes tropical rainforest, mountain forest, miombo woodland, grassland and steppe. There is a vertical height range of 250–2,576 metres (the peak of Lohomero), which incorporates the Udzungwa Mountains part of […]